Venezuela is My Baby

Tina Olson
2 min readAug 5, 2020

Moving On From American Imperialism

Drawing and photo by Tina Olson-Wilkins.

Do you remember 1994 release of The Shit Split by Blatz and Filth? The Blatz song, “Berkeley is my Baby,” popped in my head after reading Senator Chris Murphy’s tweets about the US role in Venezuela politics. Dude, you said coup! I can’t believe that someone finally admitted this, but also in such a nonchalant manner.

“Berkeley is my baby, I should have aborted it.”

The level of arrogance that exudes from this century-long petition to right the world’s evils is long past its expiration date. Americans are hated for this reason above other assertions of delusions of grandeur. The concept of American exceptionalities were first buried in our roots of building a nation through slavery and Imperialism. Now we stand at embarrassing levels compared to countries that have the decency to support human rights for the most vulnerable through basic healthcare, housing, and realistic educational opportunities.

No matter this shameful reality, we still have the audacity to think we must conquer and topple smaller governments to “give” them Democracy.

News flash: This is NOT out of kindness. We have better access to peruse the conditions with other news sources and our Media is just as riddled with propaganda as others.



Tina Olson

Artist, political junkie, addict in recovery, mother of four humans and one cat named JoJo.